Welcome to the Massive Open Online Course – MOOC, on the Recommendation on Youth Work of the Council of Europe! This is VEYW MOOC.

We are happy and excited to have you with us on this journey and hope to deliver a beneficial learning opportunity for you.

Here you will find genral information about the course and what is expected of you. If you have any questions or comments about the course in general, you can contact your course team at mooc@ecyc.org.

Course overview

The course has been throught of as a series of lectures, videos and assignements and will run from the 3rd of April through to the 29th of May 2019.

The course is open for participants from Council of Europe countries, as well as Programme and Partner countries of the Erasmus+ programme. There is no age limit for applicants.

You will need between 1-2 hours/week to complete the course, depending on your study pace. You can choose your own study period within the general course period proposed: 03rd of April – 29th of May 2019.

This course is free of charge for participants, thanks to the funding of the European Youth Foundation of the Council of Europe and the efforts made by the team of the project.

When you have fulfilled the basic requirements, you will get a course attendance certificate.

Student can enroll all the way up to the 15th of May 2019, following this link.

Not all assignemtns are graded but they all play an important role in the preparation for the final individual assignment.

You can post comments and questions on specific topics in the comments section on each “Session”, while general questions about the course should be sent to the general mail mooc@ecyc.org.

Course stucture

Session/Date Title Assignment
3rd of April Introduction to the course and the Recommendation Individual reading assignment: reading the CM 2017 Recommendation on Youth Work
10th of April Who/What/When: on the Recommendation and their drafting process and on ECYC working on the Recommendation Continued individual reading assignment: reading the CM 2017 Recommendation on Youth Work


17th of April Why do we need a Recommendation.

The social value of youth work

Reflective practice
24th of April Recommendations 1&2:  presenting them, giving examples and creating working scenarios Online test
1st of May Recommendation 3: presenting it, giving examples and creating working scenarios Online test
8th of May Recommendations 4-7: presenting them, giving examples and creating working scenarios GRADED Quiz
15th of May Advocacy using the  Recommendation. Towards States, practitioners

And Civil Society Organisations

Reflective practice
22nd of May Individual projects.

Wrapping up the course.

GRADED individual project


Based on positive participation in the MOOC, ECYC will offer full travel and boarding to 7 young participants to attend the Policy Advocacy Training Course held in Brussels in October 2019.

Important resources

Recommendation CM/Rec(2017)4 of the Committee of Ministers to member States on youth work

Youth Department of the Council of Europe

The European Youth Foundation

The European Confederation of Youth Clubs – ECYC


This MOOC is made possible with the support of:

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