Who/What/When: on the Recommendation, the drafting process and on ECYC working on the Recommendation




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Links mentioned:

EU-CoE Youth Partnership – research, studies and practical toolkits


The Youth Department of the Council of Europe


The Youth Foundation of the Council of Europe


Directorate General for Education and Culture (DG EAC) https://ec.europa.eu/programmes/erasmus-plus/node_en



European Youth Forum




  1. 1.The Council of Europe is more of a cultural institution that is primarily concerned with developing and spreading the awareness on human rights to its members. – The European Union is more of a political entity that acts as one unified nation in the bigger world market. It leans more on implementing economic policies.
    2. CoE is older than EU.

  2. I would like to share my own experience regarding the translation of the Recommendation to the member states’ own language; It is the role of the government to translate the Recommendation so it can be taken seriously by the CoE. Unfortunately, it depends on the priorities of each government to translate it, but do not hesitate to contact them. For example, in Slovakia, it is one of the priorities of the youth department and after I contacted them, they offered my organisation to take the part in the process and help them with the correction of the translation.

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